Version 1.5 released
- Unity 5 ready
- Added Editor Mode
- You have to enable the editor mode now explicit in the UniOSC Editor to route your OSC data to the Components when your not in play mode.
- Changed the Component Inspector for Dispatchers and Receivers
- The base Inspectors are now drawing the DefaultInspector
- You can now create your own scripts based on the UniOSCEventTarget & UniOSCEventDispatcher and all public properties are displayed right out of the box. (You don’t need to write a custom inspector any more to show your own public properties)
- Added a Mode option at UniOSCMoveGameObject.
- You have now a Screen mode (like before) and a Relative Mode (additive movement that is not bound to the camera rect)
- Added a UniOSCTransformSender component for sending the transform data (position & rotation) of a GameObjects continuously
- Documentation update