Category Archives: News

Version 1.8 released

Version 1.8 released

  • uGUI elements to send OSC data
    • Button, Slider, Toggle
  • UnityEvent<OSCMessage> Relay component
    • Wire scripts together without some additional programming
  • UniOSCReceiver uses now a pool of UniOSCEventArgs to avoid garbage collection
  • Documentation update

Version 1.7 released

Version 1.7 released

  • Multicast & Broadcast support
    • In the OSCConnection component you specify now the transmission type (Unicast, Multicast or Broadcast)
  • Improved IP address validation
    • The OSCConnection inspector gives visual feedback if a chosen IP address is not valid. At runtime you get error messages in the console that makes debugging easy.
  • OSCSharp.dll update
  • Documentation update

Version 1.6 release notes

Version 1.6 released

  • Sending OSC Bundles support
  • OSCEventArgs has now the Packet property (OscPacket) instead of a Message property for supporting OscMessages and OscBundles. If you have legacy code where you access the message of a UniOSCEventArgs object you have to change it this way: OscMessage msg = ((OscMessage)my UniOSCEventArgsObj.Packet);
  • Changing a property of a Dispatcher/EventTarget (from inspector or via code) now works transparently.
  • AppendData is much more flexible
  • AppendData works in Message and in Bundle mode almost the same way
  • New demo classes
  • Flux Timeline Editor support

Version 1.5 released

Version 1.5 released

  • Unity 5 ready
  • Added Editor Mode
    • You have to enable the editor mode now explicit in the UniOSC Editor to route your OSC data to the Components when your not in play mode.
  • Changed the Component Inspector for Dispatchers and Receivers
    • The base Inspectors are now drawing the DefaultInspector
    • You can now create your own scripts based on the UniOSCEventTarget & UniOSCEventDispatcher and all public properties are displayed right out of the box. (You don’t need to write a custom inspector any more to show your own public properties)
  • Added a Mode option at UniOSCMoveGameObject.
    • You have now a Screen mode (like before) and a Relative Mode (additive movement that is not bound to the camera rect)
  • Added a UniOSCTransformSender component for sending the transform data (position & rotation) of a GameObjects continuously
  • Documentation update


Version 1.4

I submitted version 1.4 to the Assetstore

– Class based versions of OSCEventTarget and OSCDispatcher
You can now handle OSC messages in classes that don’t derive from MonoBehaviour. This makes it possible to work only in code and in editors
– Created a demo editor to show the new class based feature to use in Unity Editors
– Added a demo scene with class based sending and receiving
– Fixed a bug with the explicit connection mode (OSC data of OSCEventDispatchers was always
reset when a status changed event was fired from a OSCConnection)
– Added a ClearData method to the OSCEventDispatcher class so you can clear the OSC data
– Added an OSCMessageReceived event to the OSCEventTarget classes. This event is additionally fired when the OnOSCMessageReceived method is called
-Documentation update

This new update is more for coders who want to create a OSC setup from scripts. I tried to provide all the features you have with components. The only thing you can’t create from code is a OSCConnection.

Version 1.3

I submitted version 1.3 to the Assetstore:

– Explicit Connection option:

This option is very handy if you have a setup where you want the flexibility to change your port or IP-Address of a OSCConnection, without to reconfigure all your OSCEventTargets or OSCEventDispatchers. So now you have the option to bind to a connection and don’t have to specify a given port or IP-Address.

– Updated the Mobile.Demo scene where you now can change the port/Ip-Address of your OSCConnections at runtime.

– Added a JavaScript demo unitypackage to give a starting point for JS programmers. (But it is not recommended to script in JS)

Version 1.1

I submitted version 1.1 to the Assetstore:

Session fil​e support:
– Store the latest data that comes with a OSC message
– Send all data to update the GUI state of an external app like TouchOSC

– Change in OSCsharp lib: made the TypeTag property of a OSC message accessible
-Type of the OSC data could now be verified with the Typetag string. (No GetType() necessary if you have performance problems)
– receiveAllAddresses property is now accessible via the component inspector
– UniOSCEventArgs could now be filtered by Group, AddressRoot or AddressIndex if the OSC address matches a specific pattern
– Documentation update